IA, UXCD, product & UX strategy, prototyping, workshop facilitation & moderation, stakeholder interviews, wireframing
The Challenge
LeBron James’ UNINTERRUPTED to provide a web presence for the athlete empowerment platform. UN aims to empower athletes to “Be More Than an Athlete,” and take control of their own narratives.
An enigmatic brand with myriad audiences
UN is a vast and multi-faceted organization. Because our audience reach was so broad, a challenge lied in defining the role of the site in the organization, and ensuring we provided an authentically UN experience to everyone visiting the site.
Given the unique breadth of audiences we wanted to engage, and the newness of the concept, we partnered intimately with the UN team every step of the way. From defining users journeys, to core objectives, to feature definition and prioritization, our process was driven by an deep commitment to collaboration. We embedded ourselves in the UN team, and together workshopped every rapid iteration of design refinement.
What is UN?
In order to attain an authentic and comprehensive understanding of the brand, I engaged core stakeholders in 1:1 conversations about their roles, and what successful UN.com looked like. These conversations began to paint a more refined picture of the organization.
Collaboratively defining site goals and prioritizing features
I then engaged both the B-Reel and UN teams in a series of workshop to align on the role of the website and define feature prioritization. We blended our teams and conducted breakout sticky sessions in which I asked the teams to express what we wanted our audiences to think, feel and do when visiting the site. This resulted in a clearly refined set of site goals that aligned with what we heard from our stakeholders.
Now that we had a clear set of goals defined, I used these goals to conduct a generative brainstorming session. Breakout teams generated proposed features against these goals, and prioritized said features based on necessity and feasibility.
This highly collaborative process resulted in refined site goals and a prioritized feature set in just one week.
Creative expression & form factor
I presented UN with three creative territories which explored different expressions of content hierarchy. What might it look like to express UN through brand elements vs. letting the content speak for itself?
Once the client selected a creative territory, we explored two design directions in the spirit of the selected territory (Brand Expression), each with a unique take on ideas of structure and interactivity.
proof-of-concept motion prototypes
comprehensive executional annotations
9 fully designed, responsive pages
comprehensive information architecture
comprehensive wireframes
Example of Wires & Design: Mobile Search
The Result
Because of our deep commitment to collaboration, we were able to push the limits of what the site could be. We brought to life concepts that we identified as authentically UNINTERRUPTED (handmade, flow) and launched a streaming and e-commerce site experience that was lauded for being as innovative and expressive as the brand.
The result was an impactful, experimental approach that makes a bold, compelling statement about the UNINTERRUPTED brand, and a full site design delivery in just 6 weeks.
Live Search Functionality